Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Stating the Obvious

This conversation actually occured in my home today:
Me: Honey, did you wash Monkey's face after breakfast?

Hubby: Yes.

Me: Okay.

Hubby: Why?

Me: (And yes, I did have to answer. . .) Because his face is dirty.

So that wasn't the end of the of the questionable statements today. . .I tell you, it is hard to be the brain for a household.

Me(via text message:) I feel terrible. Pretty sure I have a sinus infection.

Hubby: Oh, I'm sorry honey. Go to the doctor.

Me: No need, just a cold.

Later, as I'm giving the little squirt a bath,

Hubby: So, you aren't better? You still feel bad?

Me: Well, I'm not miraculously better since 3 hours ago. . .

Hubby: That wasn't very nice, what you said just now.

Uhhh. I'm not nice? How 'bout he didn't think. . . for the second time today?

1 comment:

  1. Men. This sounds very much like a conversation that would happen at our house. At least I'm in good company.
